Thursday, December 18, 2014

35mm film photography: How to load the film into the camera

How to load film into your camera:

You will need:
2. Camera

Step by Step:

35mm film photography: Artist research-Fredrick Evans

Fredrick Evans

Information about the artist: Frederick H. Evans was a British photographer. He primarily took photos of architectural subjects. He is best known for his images of English and French cathedrals.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

35mm film photography: Artist research-George Brassai

George Brassai

Information about artist: Brassai was a Hungarian photographer and filmmaker who rose to international fame in France in the 20th century. He was one of the numerous Hungarian artists who flourished in Paris beginning between the World Wars.

Monday, November 24, 2014

35mm film photography: Artist research-Paul Strand

Paul Strand:
Information about artist: Paul Strand was an American photographer and filmmaker who helped establish photography as an art form in the 20th century.

35mm film photography: Brief

The beginning of my second assignment:

Assignment title: Points of Interest

Using a Pentax 1000, we had to take photos for this title and also to fit in with the four categories provided: Patterns in nature, Rhythm of life, Urban patterns, and People on Location.

I need 2 photos for each category.I had to think of things to take pictures of; I thought long and hard of what would fit on these category's and I came up with a few ideas:

Patterns in nature - Row of trees, puddle, leaves
Rhythm of life: Grave yard (I know it's not your typical thought)
Urban patterns: Row of houses
People on location: People at a train station, people in the street

All of these would be taken in London, near Kings Cross Station (which my college is near to)

Stay tuned to hear how I got on with my assignment.


Photograms: Evaluation

Evaluation of my work:
By researching photograms, I got to see all the incredible things that can be done using different objects for photograms. So I would have liked to have recreated them but unfortunately I didn't have that resources to do so.
A lot of my work is relatable to that of Man Rays. I have tried to use different objects with others to convey certain messages/stories, hopefully they have come across.
If I could do it again I would have experimented more with light and objects. I would have like to have done more drawings with developer.
I learnt a lot of different things during this assignment; I have leant how to use the chemicals to create an image/bring the image to life.
Before this assignment I had never heard of photograms and had no idea what they were when told we would be making our own therefore I have enjoyed this assignment a lot. 


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Photograms: Different effects (3)

Mirroring your image:
This will replicate your image but turn the black white and vice versa.
What you will need:
1. An image you have already made
2. An Enlarger
3.Light sensitive paper
4. Developer
6. Fix
Step by Step:

Photogram: Different effects (2)

Making a blurry photogram:

You will need:
1. Light sensitive paper
2.Phone light
3.An object

Step by Step:

Friday, November 14, 2014

Photograms: Man Ray

Artist Research - Photograms:
Man Ray:

Information on the man himself: He was an American modernist artist who spent most of his career in Paris, France. A lot of his work is surreal and he contributed to the Surrealist movement. Ray is known for his work with photograms, which he called "rayographs" in a reference to himself.

Photograms: Different effects (1)

Painting with developer!

For this you will need:
1. A light source (preferably an enlarger)
2. Light sensitive paper
3. Developer
4. Stop
5. Fix

Step by Step:

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Photograms: My Photograms

My Photograms and what I used to make them:
I will be making brief notes on what I used to make them. Sorry for the flash marks, I had to take pictures of them from my sketchbook. 

"Tapped within the mind"
 I am very happy with this image. For this one I used half a cage and cardboard cut outs that I made to look like a person being trapped and having no escape.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Photograms: Making a photogram

Now that you have made your test strip, it's time to make your first Photogram! So in this post I am going to be explaining how you can make a photogram.

To make a photogram you will need:
1.An enlarger or a source of light (A phones will work, but be careful)
2.Light sensitive paper
3. A darkroom
4. Objects of your choice
5.And last of all, chemicals to develop your image

Step by step:

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Photogram: Developing.

How to develop your image:
See your image be brought to life.

What you will need:
2. Tongs
7.(Optional) Dryer.
8. Last of all, your image.

Step by step:

Monday, October 27, 2014

Photogram: Test strip

How to make a Photogram Test Strip:

A photogram is an image that is created without a camera or a lens, by placing objects onto a piece of light sensitive paper, in a darkroom and by using light (preferably from an enlarger) to cast a silhouette of your objects, this creates a unique image.
A test strip is used when you're trying to figure out how long to expose your light sensitive paper to a light source for, to create the best image.Remember that the paper is highly sensitive to paper so you need to be in a darkroom where you can work in safe light conditions.

You'll need:
1. Objects of your choice
2. An enlarger
3. Light sensitive paper
4. Piece of cardboard (preferably bigger than the paper you're using)

Step by Step: