Saturday, November 8, 2014

Photograms: My Photograms

My Photograms and what I used to make them:
I will be making brief notes on what I used to make them. Sorry for the flash marks, I had to take pictures of them from my sketchbook. 

"Tapped within the mind"
 I am very happy with this image. For this one I used half a cage and cardboard cut outs that I made to look like a person being trapped and having no escape.

For this one instead of having the face opaque I have used the edges that I used from the previous cut out . The pattern on the cage has almost made it look like a face.

For this one I used a plant, a marble, and a bottle of water, I tried to create an island effect at night, with the marble acting as a moon.

For this I used the same plant and bottle of water and marbles, I used the bottle of water to try and create the sea, the marbles to try and show stars in the night sky, they didn't show the way that I hope they would and I placed the plant in this way to make it look like a tree.

"Message in a bottle"
 For this I used pieces of newspaper (if you want to recreate this look in your own, don't use a piece that has an image on the other side, make sure it has writing otherwise the light won't go through and you won't get the effect I have on the left, you will get the effect I got on the right) I have used 2 little jars with water in. I have tried to create an image of a deconstructed message in a bottle. I really like the effect of the water in the jars.

For this I used the cage, like in the first image and cardboard cut-outs, I also used pieces of newspaper and places a little jar of water on top.

Stay tuned for different effects you can create and techniques you can use.


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