Friday, November 14, 2014

Photograms: Different effects (1)

Painting with developer!

For this you will need:
1. A light source (preferably an enlarger)
2. Light sensitive paper
3. Developer
4. Stop
5. Fix

Step by Step:

1. Expose your light sensitive paper with no objects on for 10 seconds so when you come to use developer on it you will get the places where you put the developer really black

2. Take a paint brush and put it in the developer, holding the paper in your hand (you could put it on a surface, if you prefer) take the developer you put on your brush and paint away! I choose to use a cardboard cut and paint around it, the image you have created will appear before your eyes.

3. When you have finished painting, develop your image

4. You now have your unique image

Here's mine:

I placed the cardboard cut out of the wolf I did prior and held it in place and drew around it with developer, I wasn't sure how it would turn out as when I was doing it, it looked like the developer was going through the cardboard and making it all black (with no outline) When I took it outside I was amazed by what I saw. It looked like the wolf is blowing air or smoke, I especially like the pattern on the wolf.

Stay tuned for other effects and techniques you can use!


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