Wednesday, January 18, 2017

35mm film photography: Evaluation


I chose this topic (Point of interest) because it can be broad and anything (within reason) can fit into this topic, also I could focus on what I though was a point of interest and that matched the set of given categories.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Queen's Gallery: My experience

Photo: My Instagram

I was chosen and given the opportunity to go to The Queens Gallery to do an Arts award. (which was the equivalent to one GCSE)
At the time I had no idea what that meant and was interested to learn more about photography as it's something I'm passionate about and something I hope to base my career on in the future. I was told we would be learning a set of skills from lighting to composition. It would consist of 7/8 lessons that would happen every Thursday from 3 to 5.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

35mm film photography:Making a contact sheet

Making a contact sheet:

You will need:
1. A darkroom and safe light
2. 10x8 piece of light sensitive paper
3. Your negatives
4.A negative carrier
5.An enlarger

Step by Step: